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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 mood n (emotional state)SCSimplified Chinese 心情,情绪 xīn qíng,qíng xù TCTraditional Chinese 心情,情緒   SCSimplified Chinese 心情不好,郁郁寡欢 xīn qíng bù hǎo ,yù yù guǎ huān  He was in a good mood after passing the exam.  他通过考试后心情很好。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 我考得很差,一上午心情都很不好。 mood n (temporary disposition)SCSimplified Chinese 状态 zhuàng tài TCTraditional Chinese 狀態   SCSimplified Chinese 情绪,兴致 qíng xù,xìng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 情緒  The mood of the electorate is unhappy, with joblessness high.  高居不下的失业率让选民们情绪不高。 mood n (grammar: aspect of verb) (语法)SCSimplified Chinese 语气 yǔ qì TCTraditional Chinese 語氣  Non-native speakers have trouble with the subjunctive mood.  非母语者很难理解虚拟语气。 mood n informal ([sth] relatable, reflects your feelings) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 有同感 yǒu tóng gǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 能引起共鸣   SCSimplified Chinese 我也是 yǒu tóng gǎn,wǒ yě shì  Maya posted the image of the grumpy cat with the caption: "Mood". That song is a mood!  玛雅发了一张臭脸猫的照片,配文“同感”。  那首歌能够引起共鸣!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 bad mood n (grumpiness)SCSimplified Chinese 心情不佳 xīn qíng bù jiā  I wouldn't ask him at the moment, given his bad mood. big mood expr informal (expressing strong agreement)SCSimplified Chinese 感同身受 gǎn tóng shēn shòu  "I'm coming back as a cat in my next life; all they do is sleep and eat." "Big mood!" good mood n (cheerful frame of mind)SCSimplified Chinese 好心情 hǎo xīn qíng   SCSimplified Chinese 心情愉快 hǎo xīn qíng,xīn qíng yú kuài   SCSimplified Chinese 情绪好 hǎo xīn qíng,qíng xù hǎo  She has good moods and bad moods – there's no predicting it. in a bad mood expr (grumpy)SCSimplified Chinese 心情不好 xīn qíng bù hǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 情绪不佳  Josh will be in a bad mood when he finds out you've eaten his chocolate. in a foul mood expr (very grumpy)SCSimplified Chinese 心情暴躁   SCSimplified Chinese 心情非常不好 in a good mood expr (cheerful)SCSimplified Chinese 心情愉快的 xīn qíng yú kuài de   SCSimplified Chinese 好心情的 xīn qíng yú kuài de ,hǎo xīn qíng de  I got an excellent mark for my translation today, so I'm in a good mood. in the mood adj (keen, feeling like doing [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 有心情的 yǒu xīn qíng de   SCSimplified Chinese 有情绪的 yǒu xīn qíng de,yǒu qíng xù de  Let me know when you're in the mood for a game of chess. lift [sb]'s spirits, raise [sb]'s spirits, lift [sb]'s mood v expr (improve [sb]'s mood)SCSimplified Chinese 振奋...的精神   SCSimplified Chinese 让...精神好起来  These party songs are guaranteed to lift your spirits. lighten the mood v expr figurative (make the atmosphere less solemn)SCSimplified Chinese 放松心情 low mood n (depression)SCSimplified Chinese 情绪低落,消沉 qíng xù dī luò ,xiāo chén TCTraditional Chinese 情緒低落  Bethany was in a low mood after the death of her mother. mood board n (display used to plan or design [sth]) (设计)SCSimplified Chinese 情绪板 mood disorder n (psychological problem)SCSimplified Chinese 情绪障碍,情绪紊乱,情绪失调 qíng xù wěn luàn TCTraditional Chinese 情緒紊亂  When she took her meds, you wouldn't have known she had a mood disorder. mood enhancing, mood-enhancing adj (uplifting, cheering)SCSimplified Chinese 令人振奋的 lìng rén zhèn fèn de 备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounmood enhancing, mood-enhancing adj (drug: antidepressant) (药物)SCSimplified Chinese 抗抑郁的 kàng yì yù de TCTraditional Chinese 抗抑鬱的 mood music n (light instrumental music)SCSimplified Chinese 情调音乐,气氛音乐 mood ring n (finger jewellery that changes colour) (变色戒指)SCSimplified Chinese 情绪戒指,心情戒指  I gave a mood ring to my girlfriend. mood swings npl (dramatic changes in emotion)SCSimplified Chinese 情绪波动 qíng xù bō dòng TCTraditional Chinese 情緒波動   SCSimplified Chinese 情绪起伏  Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings. mood-altering adj (drug, substance: affects emotions)SCSimplified Chinese 对情绪有影响的 not in the mood adj informal (disinclined, unwilling)SCSimplified Chinese 没心情 méi xīn qíng   SCSimplified Chinese 没心思 méi xīn qíng,méi xīn sī  I'm not in the mood to listen to your lies. set the mood v expr (establish a certain tone or atmosphere)SCSimplified Chinese 奠定感情基调,确定氛围   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: mood [muːd] n 1 [c] [of person] 心情 xīnqíng [种 zhǒng] [of crowd, group] 氛围(圍) fēnwéi 2 [s] [of place] 气(氣)氛 qìfēn to be in a mood 心情不好 xīnqíng bù hǎo to be in a good/bad/awkward mood 心情好/坏(壞)/不痛快 xīnqíng hǎo/huài/bù tòngkuài I'm (not) in the mood to do this我想做这(這)个(個)(没(沒)有心思做这(這)个(個)) wǒ xiǎng zuò zhège(méiyǒu xīnsi zuò zhège) 在这些条目还发现'mood': 在英文解释里: affective - ambience - ambient - antidepressant - aromatherapy - atmosphere - atmospherics - bad humor - bad temper - be in a sulk - bipolarity - black humor - blue - break the spell - cast a gloom over - cast a shadow - cheer - climate - cool - crabby - cranky - cyclothymia - dampened - damper - dark and gloomy - darken - depression - disposition - festive - foul - foulness - future subjunctive - get darker - get the sulks - gloom - go into a sulk - good humor - good spirits - good temper - grouch - grouchiness - grouchy - grump - have a cob on - high spirits - humor - ill-humored - imperfect subjunctive - in fine form - in good form 中文: 心情 - 绪 - 无心 - 沉浸 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Household lighting, Things that fluctuate, 更多……同义词: frame of mind, state of mind, mental state, temperament, temper, 更多……习惯性搭配: is in a [bad, foul, good, great, horrible] mood, mood [music, lighting, decor], why are you in such a [bad] mood?, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'mood' 的论坛讨论:

Listening to (song name or artist's name) always puts me in a good mood My destiny is decided by the mood of Gods above the sky ... and always in a good mood. - English Only forum ''Subjunctive mood'' is a must for '' that'' clauses with ''demand'', ''İnsist''......''? - English Only forum 'move' in subjunctive mood - English Only forum 'Tuned-in' mood - English Only forum 'would' vs 'would have': subjective mood - English Only forum “Shucks, we tried” attitude wasn’t informing his mood. - English Only forum [To give someone the stink-eye] used in the passive mood? - English Only forum 1. I want to learn/know ways/a way/ to improve my mood. - English Only forum A bad attitude and a bad mood - English Only forum a casual mood strikes - English Only forum a moody person vs. someone who has frequent mood swings - English Only forum "a philadelphia mood" - English Only forum A problem of Subjunctive Mood - English Only forum a pure grammar question: the subjunctive mood - English Only forum A question about subjunctive mood - English Only forum a sentence using subjunctive mood - English Only forum About subjunctive mood - English Only forum according to mood[s] and season[s] - English Only forum according to my mood? - English Only forum alert enough to deal with my mood [alert] - English Only forum Also in a bad mood seems to be EVERYONE in this lecture room. - English Only forum an anxious or hurry mood - English Only forum an eternal mood - English Only forum are should, would, could interchangeable in subjunctive mood? - English Only forum Are you in a chat/chatting mood? - English Only forum ...... the courtroom, their mood only be described as grim - English Only forum assess the others' mood - English Only forum bad mood - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'mood'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "mood" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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